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Rssloader Mac Rssloader For Mac

kriscorrali1985 2020. 2. 9. 22:34
  1. Rss Reader Mac Rss Reader For Mac 2017

Get your Mac talking with this app. Listen to the text you want, when you want, in any language. RSSLoader was made as the best and simplest feed reader for. Without a doubt VLC is the best media player for the Mac (and for that matter, Windows too). VLC with a myriad of different audio and video file formats, including DVD, audio CD, and VCD, with no.

I would like to request rTorrent + RuTorrent + RSS plugin. Looks like uTorrent, it seems to me that this would be the best frontend for rTorrent and the best client bit-torrent. Frontend Web: Screen: PS: Sorry for my poor English PS2: If it isn't problem add this plugin too: 1. RPC - a plug-in for linking rtorrent and a web server.


(Replacement for modscgi). HTTPRPC - Similar to RPC but with low bandwidth use in mind.

Erasedata - adds 'Delete with the data' to the right click context menu. RSS - realizes operations with RSS-feeds. Cookies - allows to define a set of cookies for trackers which use such method of authorization. Datadir - allows to change the torrent's data directory. Diskspace - Shows remaining space on the bottom bar in an easy to read fashion. getdir Plugin - this plugin helps rutorrent find and render directories.

Chunks - This plugin shows info on torrent pieces (which pieces have downloaded). Darkpal - A ruTorrent Theme with dark colors designed to burn your eyes. Scheduler - allows to change speed limitations of downloads/uploads depending on hour of the day and day of the week. Showpeerslikewtorrent - changes the format of values in 'Seeds' and 'Peers' columns of the torrents list. Unpack - Unrars and Unzips downloaded torrents. Transmissions is ok. No disrespect to the work put in to make it run on readynas.

But my issue with it is not only the rssloader. On the standard 1gb ram (ultra 4) it runs my ram at 98%. With only a few other plugins running, I cant even get plex to let me add media to the library while transmissions is running, because of the struggle for ram (i know its upgradable), and it randomly pauses torrents on me.

Not to mention i use a rpc tool to upload torrents and so far ive had 60% success with loading torrents. Most of the time it adds the torrent and starts using it and simply stops all activity only for that 1 torrent until reboot (of plugin). Why am i goin threw this to run a limited client i dont even like? Ive run into simmilar probs on mac aswell, just ignoring torrents untill i close and reopen tranmissions. Never have i heard of anyone having problems with rutorrent or getting it to do anything its designed to do, and its SOOO lightweight. Its a great interface and great set of tools. I dont understand why its being backdoored because of all clients TRANSMISSIONS?

Wtf lol transmissions is more popular because it only provides the most basic of features so its easy to use, and installation is childsplay. I believe (opinion) thats the only reason its more popular. It like running bitcomet vs utorrent? Well, if it comes right down to it. These are 'community' add-ons. If you desire it that much, then bring it.:-) I've never heard of this client anywhere but this thread, so maybe it would be worth the effort.

Rssloader Mac Rssloader For Mac

But on my case it would be a question of don't fix what isn't broken. Years ago I suffered with the bundled BitTorrent add-on and Transmission, for all the small aches and pains (at the time, works great for me now) was a major step forward. Perhaps someone inspired enough to package ruTorrent as an add-on will bring something new and exciting to the table. Wish i had the technical know how. Lol im not downing the transmissions plugin at all.

It works and its fairly stable and everyone knows how to use it. This would be so much better in my opinion.

I need to just buckle down n learn linux:wink: life would be so much easier. Lol instead of waiting for microsoft to add functionality to there os and addons or trying to hack things together to make it do what i want,just edit linux to DO WAT I WANT on WHAT I WANT. U just cant fight it lol (atleast when ur a nerd u cant):slap: ive read and seen post about getting rturrent running on rDn but adding rutorrent gui and plugins is just over my head.

And a commandline torrent client would def be a step back in time from transmissions lol (in the scope of readynas). Any other development being done on this app?

Rss Reader Mac Rss Reader For Mac 2017

It really kicks ass i love this add on but it has a few minor bugs here n there. I would love to see a polished end result. I use this app every day now lol so much better then transmissions (my opinion). Only bugs ive ran into: Settings ( and torrents ) not being saved over service restart. Then again u never really restart the service unless u make it crash.

Rss Loader is tossing strange errors adding feeds from random sites ( having nailed this one down yet ) Eg: i can add a feed from BMTV but if i add a feed from broadcastthenet it errors on add Authentication - a must now day ( easy fix of course ) i just dont know how to implement it on this nas lol defualt port settings need to be changed (easy fix as well ) Other then those minor bugs it runs flawless ( love it). Great to say its in BETA stages. Just by the amount of views this thread has im sure its got an audience please dont give up on it:cry: we need ur expertise. Thanx for making this work tho. Apps like this are y im glad i went readynas makes my life so much easier.